the Financial Landscape on earth: Why is money made? How is money used? What is financial freedom?

Money is only symbolic. It's technically used to measure the value of the goods and services we exchange amongst each other, on earth 🌎 

We use it to get what we want, without the constant negotiations of the barter system.  Cash is faster, because we previously agreed on its worth = most convenient trading process. 

As more money is printed, it's rarity, and relative value decreases... that's why houses, gold jewelry, and other intrinsically valued items, increase in price throughout time.

Loving money is a losing battle, and will make you evil. I think it's too emotionally distant from the feelings we get while spending it... it's only stacks of paper. 

Motivational psychologists insist that we seek our ideals for the feelings they bring. It happens while experiencing our ideals. Buckets of cash, is as emotionally stimulating as having coloring books without paints or crayons. The joys about it are usually just from using it.

Instead: Be working because it is an adult responsibility, and to feel enriched during such tasks. The results of your work has intrinsic values, that are mutually appreciated by millions of people on earth... already. 

The economy of goods and services is exponentially increasing in both quality and quantity. Plus it's different from the financial systems.

All 8 billion humans on earth, need and want to live at their optimum level of existence. Everyone knows we're in 2023AD, but few are even aware of every country. 

When needs are met, and desires satisfied: humans are pleased, and we cherish this emotion. 
In fact, consumer psychologist believe that's why we spend money. To satisfy ourselves and our opinions of ourselves.
Even not for profit charity missions, are able to be sustained for many years; by randomly appearing donors... though the method of finding donors is a real science. 

Skills Development is an ongoing process involving qualitative and/or quantitative improvements in the results of whatever our skill produces... even smiles for comedians and dentists.  Tied to profits, there's an exponentially increasing gap between you and the remainder of society, which frees you from this generation's financial woes.

Inflation has the opposite effect, and produces diminishing returns... this is why rising minimum wages have a negligible effect on true quality of life metrics. 
Instead, economic development does the job well. 

How is money used?

It's printed from trees (paper), and licensed to us… for a tax royalty.
The government of each nation, inherits its taxes… during tax season.
It pays itself through the efforts we produce, using taxes.
Each nation judges the others' work… it's GDP.

Each piece of paper, has the power to purchase a handful of items…
Conglomerated, they purchase heavier items: like cars and houses.
Every tax paying business, pays the government for using their money…
Once per transaction, as sales tax.
When paying workers, as income tax.
When collecting dividends, as investor's tax.
And business owners still buy regular items, as all humans do.

Each piece of paper, has the power to purchase a handful of items…
Conglomerated, they purchase heavier items: like cars and houses.
Every tax paying business, pays the government for using their money…
Once per transaction, as sales tax.
When paying workers, as income tax.
When collecting dividends, as investor's tax.
And business owners still buy regular items, as all humans do.

Why tax us?

The government uses the taxes to make our lives feel better.
Increase our quality of life.
Provide for those that need, and take care of those that need it.
Before these systems existed, we had formal Monarchies.
Kings and Queens ruled, and their will was overwhelmingly personal, but felt nationwide.

Instead of paying the nearest vendor with cash or coins, we'd barter.
Barter uses too much time.

It assumes trading goods for goods/services means we'll always get the opportunity to negotiate using the resources we have available at the moment.

However, the vender may not even require/desire/use, much of the goods being offered in that trade.

Being a healthy and happy Human requires many specific items and experiences.  Much of which are perishable, or happening within a time span.  Bartering for what we need in the future, required storage mechanisms that weren't invented yet (eg: Freezer).

Doing work to receive unwanteds, or a future reward, won't be as exchangeable as cash. It makes life difficult or more time consuming.
However, when an opportunity presents itself in reality, we use our eyes, ears, and words to judge the situation.

Adding memories and knowledge vastly improves your odds, as tipping multiple factors in your favor: overwhelmingly improves your daily success rate.

Still, the time between offers + the distance between customers and sellers: Exhaustingly Inefficient!
So we use money. Cash Money.
Now: The results of our efforts can be quantified, and exchanged independently of what we desire.
You can be assured, that making 10 swords everyday = Buying a family's expenses every week.

Congratulations! We now have money after routine expenses. So you're excesses can be luxuriously enjoyed.

Your work can be qualitatively, or quantitatively valued!

We’re Thinking....
Have you had an enjoyable experience, doing something the world pays well for?

What's that look like?

Do you enjoy routinely see the settings, of this experience?

All of your daily or past efforts, has a professional reflection or role.

Contributions to your field and expertise for the unknowing, is always greatly rewarded… when you're right.

the Truth is seen in Proverbs 21:5
“the plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to want.” Wise planning requires making decisions for the long-term.

Should you be doing something else? You can become 1% better everyday, because knowledge is better than rubies and pearls… 365% skill increase, every year!

The average human works for 42 years.  They start after high school, and continue till retirement age.

Professional success feels good in every field:

Having what you need and use, requires activities in reality, that bring you progressively nearer to the source of what you need. As your skill level commercially progresses, you'll increase your use of these resources... and your capacity to store an abundance of them. 

Multiply such a "sweet deal", in either the quality or quantity direction, and your "cup will overflow".
So choose your favorites, as enjoying these boosts results, while hating it makes you worse.


Use the results of your work, and your natural interest and respect for the task(s): will influence you to improve… while competitors worry about numbers.


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