Epigenetic effects on Skill Development at the cellular level: Why do humans become better everyday we practice hard and/or soft skills?

Epigenetics are the parts of chromosomes, responsible for the day to day improvements humans experience; through gene expression characteristics being upgraded.

We technically make better intercellular + intracellular resources = stronger, faster, smarter cells... where appropriate.

The relevant cells become optimized and goal oriented, about the situations we routinely encounter, remember, and imagine. 

Or entire Genetic Code is duplicated and present, in each of our trillions of personalized human cells. Each cell uses only the parts of our genetic codes that will produce the results that cell needs, to contribute to overall organ function + the organisms continuous well being.

Our face, feet, fingers, kidney nephrons, liver, spleen, brain, gametes, etc... require different cellular configurations to be those specific body parts, because they're functionally different.

Our epigenome tells our genome to use ingested raw materials from our diets, to functionally improve or not... to use energy fighting that disease or not... to allocate maximum energy to remembering school work, or not...

When we improve our skill levels, our DNA stores these improvements, within itself.

EpiGenetic modifications to our DNA’s amino acid configuration, causes our own cells to behave differently:
Muscle cells can become stronger.
Brain cells can think faster.
Body movements become faster. 
Mind body coordination improves. 
Neurons can store more information.
We see further and clearer. 
We distinguish and enjoy tastes more. 
We differentiate smells from further away.
We hear components of sounds easier.
To become better at a task, we must align a variety of tangible and intangible factors.
DNA molecules are the building blocks of life, and ours automatically adjusts itself to better serve us.
It analyzes our conscious and subconscious thoughts, and prepares our bodies to minimize obstacles and maximize our positive feelings.

When these microscopic epigenetic preparations occur, our genes begin to function more in alignment with our best efforts and intentions.
These genetic changes produce accumulating cellular modifications, thereby affecting both our structural and behavioral characteristics.
We become more efficient, at doing what we have been doing. 

What is our Genetic Code?

Our DNA controls all the behaviors of our bodily cells.

Our genetic code, is our own personalized stands of DNA.

Each cells’ work rate and structural composition, is influenced by epigenetic commands.

To become better at a task, our DNA tells the relevant cells to become better suited for the activities at hand.

What is epigenetics?

These are the parts of our DNA that are responsible for modifying our overall cellular characteristics.

They reprogram our genes, to alter our phenotypical characteristics.

Our reprogrammed genes, will then produce changes on the cellular level… Excellent!

Cells group into tissues.
Tissues corporate in organs.
Organs direct overall bodily functions.

Healthy humans have healthy cells, tissues, and organ systems.

Specialized professionals, have work related epigenetic modifications… stored within their genetic codes.
eg. Athletes, Surgeons, Artists, Inventors

Our neurons become epigenetically improved, causing cerebral development + behavioral improvements.

Each cerebral gyrus has a specific function.
Specific functions require specific types of neurons.

Using any gyrus will develop it, and there are accelerated methods to progress your skillset development. 

Nerve cells initiate:
  • Hormone secretion rates
  • Muscular contraction & coordination
  • Digestion & excretion
  • Skin stimulation & arousal
  • Impulses from one nerve to another, etc.

Practice reinforces neuronal connections:
causes cellular & anatomical development.
We typically develop our neurons by increasing the number of:
  • Synapses involved in the situation. 
  • Neurotransmitters released per second.
  • Myelin layers (increases speed).
  • Nerve cells carrying the same commands.
  • Receptors for neurotransmitters. 
  • Neurotransmitters stored near synapse. 
  • Action Potentials per second. 

Epigenetic Raw Materials

Food = metabolic raw materials, for our body’s cells.

Our genetic codes tell manufacturing organelles to produce extra or new cellular components.

The “Endoplasmic Reticulum” has 2 versions:
  • Smooth = makes hormones, fats, oils
  • Rough = makes amino acids & proteins
It does this, in response to a need to become better… a better organism.


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